
Achieve Your Ideal Physique: The Arm Lift Procedure Explained
Arm Lift or Brachioplasty is a procedure to remove the excess fat and drooping skin from the arms. It is a surgical procedure to tone up the arms and help boost your confidence. It may commonly be done along with liposuction of the arms to give a nice overall reduction of the girth of the arm and good contour to the arm.
- With increasing age some patients may notice that the skin of the arms has started loosing up and started drooping. Arm lift is indicated in these patients.
- Commonly after weight loss arms take up a deflated appearance with sagging all around the arm.
What to expect?
The Horizontal Technique
Though apparently attractive, this technique has a lot of limitations and I do the procedure very rarely
(Can be discussed in the consultation)
The Vertical Technique
This procedure involves a linear scar along the inner posterior aspect of the arm usually from the elbow to arm-pit. In some cases it may extend to the side of the chest wallPost Operative Care
Bandages will remain for a week and a small tube (drain) will be in situ for a couple of days. You can join work in 7 days. The patient has to wear a compression sleeve for a period of 6 weeks to reduce the post- operative swelling.
- Do not lift your arm above your head for the first 3 to 4 weeks as this will cause a stretch on the stitches
- No lifting of heavy weights or stretching to 3 to 4 weeks
It is a safe surgery with some minimal risks:
- Scarring
- Asymmetry of the arms
- Delayed Wound Healing
- Infection
The Procedure may not be ideal for you if:
- You are grossly overweight
- Frequent Fluctuations in your weight
- Unrealistic expectations
- Medical co-morbidities
Usually, the results are long-lasting. The aim is to give a well-toned thinner arms.
Some sagging is expected with increasing age.
The results are best maintained by maintaining a stable weight and healthy lifestyle.